The Global Study on Child Poverty & Disparities is fast progressing with 23 final country reports and 1 regional report.
Latin America & the Caribbean Study on Child Poverty is the first regional report to be completed.

This study represents the first measurement of multidimensional child poverty at the regional level in Latin America and the Caribbean. The study results show that approximately 45% of the population under 18 live in poverty. In 2007, approximately18% of children lived in extreme poverty, where they are severely deprived of one or more basic needs. The realities of children in the region are very heterogeneous between countries. In countries with the highest rates of child poverty almost 41% of children live in extreme poverty, where as for other countries in the region, just under 14% of children live in extreme poverty. Furthermore, across the region 1 in 3 indigenous and afro-descendant children live in extreme poverty and 9 in 10 rural indigenous children.
To access the full report and other by-products,
click here.
Additionally, 3 new Global Study country reports have been finalized:
69% of the population aged 0-17, that is 2.9 million children and adolescents, are income poor in Bolivia. The study shows that deprivations associated with the home are highest, with 39.7% of children experiencing housing deprivation, 29.2% are deprived of adequate sanitation, and 14.4% of safe water. Additionally, there exist significant disparities within the country, particularly between rural and urban areas: 90.5% of children and adolescents in rural areas are in poverty, when utilizing a multidimensional measure. Additionally, children from indigenous backgrounds are disproportionately affected.
To access the full report (Spanish), policy recommendations and other by-products,
click here.

The Nigerian Child Poverty Study reveals that 79% of children are deprived in at least 1 of the 7 aspects considered. Water deprivation is the most common form experienced by children, and water and shelter deprivation the most frequent pair of deprivations. Additionally, 45% of boys and 40% of girls are severely food deprived, and 70% of all children are not registered at birth. There exist significant disparities within the country, particularly between rural and urban areas.
To access the full report, policy recommendations and other by-products,
click here.

The report finds that in 2007, 5.9 million people, who comprise 26.3% of the population, live in poverty. Disparities in the prevalence of poverty exist, with 70% of poor families living in rural areas and families with 3 or more children being at greater risk of poor families living in rural areas and families with 3 or more children being at greater risk of poverty. The study notes that 3/4 of children are exposed to deprivation by at least one characteristic. Furthermore, every fifth child has no complete set of winter clothes of footwear, 39% of children are deprived of adequate housing, and 22% are deprived of access to health services.
To access the full report, policy recommendations and other by-products,
click here.
To read all 24 of the final reports,
click here.