This innovative curriculum is a foundational course on economic and social policies to promote equity and child rights. The course is split into modules which include: a human-rights based approach to development; policies to reduce poverty and ensure child rights; multidimensional child poverty; public finance and social budgeting; social protection; children and migration; children and climate change; and advocacy to influence policy for children.
The course is centered in evidence-based practice with the goal of enhancing the theoretical understanding of all professionals on public policy and development issues, and to strengthen their ability to apply this knowledge in the development of programmes and policies. Furthermore, the course is designed in the context of the current and rapidly changing environment, including the economic crisis. UNICEF partnered with the Economic Research Foundation (ERF) to develop this programme.
Course Duration: It is self directed and can be completed at your own pace.
Registration: Offered free of charge, to ensure maximum outreach.
Certificate: After all the modules, a test can be taken. A certificate will be mailed to you if on successful completion of the test.
For more information, or to register, click here.