Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Incorporating qualitative research in the Global Study

The Division of Policy and Planning, UNICEF headquarters, launched in October '08 a Child Poverty Network , motivated by the Global Study. The network serves as a core, global network of child poverty experts - including country teams participating in the Global Study as well as development professionals from national governments, UN agencies and other international organisations, academia, NGOs and research institutes - fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration across every region.

The first query to the network came from the Egypt team and addressed the relevance of incorporating qualitative research in the Global Study on Child Poverty and Disparities. The feedback to the query emphasized that qualitative research can provide strong advocacy messages that can go far in shaping the views for action on child rights and provide children with a voice on the issue of poverty. Qualitative research provides a deeper understanding of data and policy analysis and supplements information in areas where data is absent or incomplete. Click here for the archived consolidated reply and here for the consolidated reply in pdf form.

If you are interested in joining this network please send an email to: join-child-poverty@groups.dev-nets.org