Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Childhood Poverty in Tanzania: Disparities in Child Well-Being

The Tanzania Study Childhood Poverty in Tanzania: Disparities in Child Well-Being  demonstrates that approximately 34% of Tanzanians live below the basic needs poverty line, and approximately 17% of the population live below the food poverty line. At the same time, roughly six million children aged 0-14 years are living below the basic needs poverty line, and around three million children fall below the food poverty line. Yet, 70.8 % of Tanzanian children are reported to live in absolute poverty (suffering 2 or more deprivations). Incidence and impact of poverty on children is far greater than indicated by conventional income-consumption measures, especially in rural areas. Based on data from the Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey 2004/05, almost half of all children in rural Tanzania (48%) suffered three or more severe deprivations of basic need compared with 10% of children in urban areas.

To read more of the Study results click here