Tuesday, February 16, 2010

UNICEF Launches E-Discussion on Recovery with a Human Face

UNICEF recently launched an open e-discussion on Recovery with a Human Face. The goal of this e-discussion is to discuss how to best promote a Recovery with a Human Face at national, regional and global levels.

Children and poor households are being hard hit by the accumulative effects of the continued high food prices, economic slow down and fiscal adjustments in medium and low income countries. In many parts of the developing world, malnutrition incidence is rising and becoming more severe. Governments face increased social demands, but decreasing fiscal resources to address them. Progress towards the universal realization of the rights of all children, as well as progress towards the MDGs and other internationally agreed development goals, will be halted if the right policies are not taken immediately. Further, as a large number of governments are becoming more indebted, there is a need to watch-out for a post-crisis adjustment scenario, where expenditures for a socially-responsive recovery will remain contracted unless there is awareness of the high social costs of the crisis.

In the 1980s, UNICEF work on Adjustment with a Human Face was a world-recognized milestone that helped to ensure that children and their families were not treated as collateral damage, but as recipients of necessary and adequate development investments. The same arguments remain valid in current times: Recovery with a Human Face is an urgent priority.

If you would like to make a difference by improving social and economic policy sensitive to children's rights and well-being, join by sending an email to join-recovery-human-face@groups.dev-nets.org.

Once you become a member, share your experiences and inputs with others by sending an email to recovery-human-face@groups.dev-nets.org.

Find here a Note on Recovery with a Human Face by Dr. Frances Stewart, Sir Richard Jolly, and Dr. Andrea Cornia.

Focal Points: Isabel Ortiz (iortiz@unicef.org), Xavier R Sire (xrsire@unicef.org) and Louise Moreira Daniels (lmoreiradaniels@unicef.org)