Monday, July 13, 2009

Visual Identity for the Global Study on Child Poverty and Disparities

A common Visual Identity for the Global Study on Child Poverty and Disparities is now available to all countries participating in the Global Study. This 'visual identity' can be applied to the country/regional reports and analyses, as well as other communication materials that the Global Study teams would like to produce (policy briefs, brochures, etc).

For the Global Study Visual Identity please click here

Included on this site are the following:
Guidelines: a power point with detailed instructions on application of this design
'Logo': the global study logo in various sizes and formats
Complete Report: a pdf which allows you to visualize what the entire report should resemble
InDesign and Word: we have included files in both versions, depending on the software available to you
Power Point Template: a template for your related presentations

The cover design was inspired by the Global Study on Child Poverty and Disparities, a multi-country initiative to leverage evidence, analysis, policy and partnerships in support of child rights. The overlapping, multi-coloured frames symbolize the national, regional and global contributions to the Global Study, which form the basis for exchanging experiences and sharing knowledge on child poverty.

The design encapsulates three central tenets of the Global Study: country ownership, multidimensionality and interconnectedness:
Ownership: Although children’s rights are universal, every country participating in the study has its own history, culture and sense of responsibility for its citizens. The analyses aim to stimulate discussion and provide evidence on how best to realize child rights in each country.
Multidimensionality: No single measure can fully reflect the poverty that children experience. A multidimensional approach is therefore imperative to effectively understand and measure children’s wellbeing and the various forms of poverty that they experience.
Interconnectedness: Today’s world is increasingly interconnected through economic, social, technological, environmental, epidemiological, cultural and knowledge exchanges. These exchanges have important implications for child poverty – and can also help provide avenues for its reduction.

If you have any questions or issues with accessing the files, please contact/ email Sharmila Kurukulasuriya: