In order to improve knowledge sharing around child-focused social and economic policy, UNICEF is investing in documenting and sharing country experiences in this area. This compendium features 18 recent innovations and lessons learned that illustrate the range of UNICEF's work on child-focused social and economic policy. These cases highlight UNICEF’s and its partners’ experience in making policy work a core strategy for reaching the most deprived.
The cases highlighted in this publication are highly diverse examples - from design and impact analysis of a cash transfer programme in Senegal to development of an equity-focused child-centred methodology for situation analysis in Iraq; making visible the impact of the economic crisis on children in Mexico; ex-ante analysis of the impact of a proposed tax change in Serbia; shaping a child sensitive National Social Protection Strategy in Cambodia; and to scaling up of the social protection system in Mozambique, among others.
You can find a copy here. To order a hard copy or for any other comments or questions regarding innovations, lessons learned and good practices, write to us at
Focal Points: Neha Karkara, Rinko Kinoshita and Xavier R Sire